Rules for audience identification in Adobe Target

There are multiple ways you can identify audience in Adobe Target. Identification of audience is the first step in doing either of :

  1. Experimentation : In most cases we don’t need to make any special efforts to identify an audience when doing ABT or MVT 
  2. Personalization or Recommendation

So, what capabilities does Adobe Target provides in helping with identification of audience ?

It provides great flexibility, below is the list from the the official documentation.

A) Origin

  1. Traffic source

B) User Technology related

  1. Browser
  2. Geo
  3. Network
  4. Mobile
  5. Operating System

C) Site related

  1. Site Pages:
    1. Current Page the user is on
    2. Previous Page the user was on
    3. Landing page
    4. HTTP Header

Incredibly useful for conversion optimization. Ex: use cases like – If the user has seen “Goa Hotels Page” -> Show him the right banner.

D) Others:

  1. Time Frame : Time when users visited. Ex – During the big billion day or weekend etc. Great option to have.
  2. Visitor Profile : This means custom parameter and is passed along with the mbox call (i.e server call).
  3. Custom Parameters : This is the broad bucket of custom parameters. One can pass any value in here ex: Tier information in case of a loyalty program – so that one can personalize on the basis of “Tier”.
  4. Target Library : These are in built ready audiences which you can use.

E) A4T:

  1. Segments from Adobe Analytics can be made available in Adobe Target . This again is a great option because this means any segment from Adobe Analytics/ Web Analytics is now available for Personalization/Recommendation. There are some limitations here on time lag between availability of data etc.

Bucket D & E is really great to have in one’s marketing arsenal.

With that, It will be interesting to do a comparison of what widely used micro platforms like Right Message offer.

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