How to Set up Advanced Campaign Tracking & Analytics

“For every dollar spent, there’s 40 dollars to be made in return.” Quite a few research studies indicate that email is the most effective channel above paid search, affiliate, display, and social. After all the effort spent in strategizing the email campaign, creating campaign workflow and finally executing it, the next step is to ensure that we have the analytics ready for the email campaign.

Email campaign tracking works at two levels :

Basic Analytics 

Perform these steps after the delivery is sent out. All you have to do is click on Dashboard – > Reports. By default, you will have a few out of box reports available.

Adobe Campaign Email Tracking & Analytics

I found the below reports to be very helpful:

Non deliverables & bounces

Non deliverables reports lets you know why the email was not delivered. In essence you can see the data breakdown by :

a) Error Types

b) Email Domain

Non Deliverables per Error Type

Non Deliverables Errors per Email DomainTracking Indicators

This report gives the following insights :

  • Overall opens and clicks
  • Breakdown of sents and corresponding opens, clicks.

Adobe Campaign Tracking IndicatorsURLs and Click Streams

This report gives insight about the number of clicks on different URLs of the email UI. This is a very WoW feature – you can get the clicks on different hyperlinks without any extra effort.

URLs and Click Streams

Campaign & Adobe Analytics Integration

Step 1: Configure the genesis Connector.

Important step here is to add the domain names of site and the query parameter you want to capture. This will ensure that all urls will have the mentioned query parameters appended in urls. Do not forget to enable web analytics from delivery properties.

Custom code in Data Connector from Campaign







Step 2:  Write Launch rules to capture the query parameters defined above and assign it to Analytics variables. 

Step 3: Generate reports in Analysis Workspace 

Now that all the hardwork is done, we can create reports in Analysis Workspace for certain key insights. Below are some reports which really give a delight to customers:

  1. Pathing report on landing page urls – This is the classic post click behavior report. What are the visitors doing once they land on my site ?
  2. Change in traffic metrics. What has been the impact of campaign on the site traffic metrics ?
  3. Conversion report – Create this report as per expiration setting you have configured for your campaign eVar. This report helps answer the question : How did this campaign contribute to success events on my site ?
  4. Overall Summary – Number of email sents, Opens, Clicks, Failures etc. Pull these numbers from Campaign through the data connector.

Share the reports with key stakeholders. Schedule a time and automate the delivery.


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