Adobe Experience Cloud – What makes it special ?

Adobe Experience Cloud is more of a sales term Adobe uses to bucket its offerings. So, there is a high chance that the grouping of products has changed when you are reading this. As of Jan 2019, Adobe Experience Cloud is made up of three key buckets:

Marketing Cloud –  Campaign, AEM, Target, Social and Primetime

Analytics Cloud –  Analytics & Audience Manager

Advertising Cloud – AMO DSP, AMO Search

So, what makes the cloud perform so well as compared to its peers. Quick fact – many of the Adobe products including Campaign, Analytics, Target & AEM are marked as leaders in the Forrester wave 2018. You can go and check the Adobe site .

Though there are lot of different aspects to touch upon on different products, below are some of the key offerings which I think makes Adobe stand out among its peers.

Enhanced user experience

Adobe is primarily able to achieve this because of its ever growing ecosystem.

A lot of products in the market are point solutions whereas Adobe offers an ecosystem which can offer lot of possibilities. I am talking about multi solution use cases. Common multi solution use cases are :

A user abandons his cart at the last moment and then the next day he receives an email with a customized offer. This is Campaign – Analytics use case.

Segment sharing from Adobe Analytics into Target.

Besides integrations the one underlying service -I find really critical here is the –

Adobe Experience Cloud Visitor ID/marketing ID service – This is the services which ties a profile across all Adobe products and hence multi solution use cases become possible. Adobe assigns a unique visitor ID to every profile and hence all visitors can be anonymously identified. I find this backbone to be really cool. You can install the Experience Cloud Debugger to check this

Experience Cloud Visitor ID

This offers limitless possibilities in terms of targeting.

Empowers the marketers

This is equally true for AEM, Campaign, Analytics.

AEM – Authoring environment and a touch based UI. Marketers can do authoring on the go from the touch based devices. Adobe Target integrates well AEM so things like Experience Targeting become possible. Point to note here is – all what is needed to be successful here is governance so that marketers dont make mistakes. Things can get ugly in AEM with cache clears but these are no blockers. 

Campaign – Querying databases becomes so simple. No knowledge of SQL is needed.

Analytics – The R&A environment or Analytics Workspace allows to see the reports on the go. Though I agree some background on the metrics and data collection becomes necessary.

Powerful technology base & growing

Most of the Adobe products are powered by Adobe Sensei – which is Adobe internal Machine learning backend. This backend powers products like Adobe Target  – which offers features like Auto Target & Automated Personalization.

The fact that Adobe continues to acquire new companies makes the cloud stronger day by day and expand its ecosystem. Recently, it acquired lead management software Marketo.



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